Saturday, December 19, 2009


Oh man, what a busy weekend.

Well yesterday was Shekira's Au Revoir Party... I cried at the endd HOWEVER I'm seeing her on Wednesday =]]]]
ANYWAY, the party's theme was pimps and hoes. I just wore my school uniform with some major adjustments (Say HELLO to my homemade suspendersss) I put a belt on top so you couldn't see that I rolled up my skirt =DD
Yeah, 'twas cool, played truth or dare and did some pretty hot stuff ahahahaha
I was called a slut, because three girls kissed me. THEY kissed ME not the other way around <_<"
Also I got whipped creamed twice and got a hickey ahahahaha, it's actually really red.

TODAY, was the GIA Garage Sale. I was disappointed THAT NONE OF MY FRIENDS CAME. Gee thanks guys love you too <_<"
But we did sell heapssss of stuff and raised about $2,500 and it's all going to VN =]

I got home about 2 went to Kmart to get candles and stockings and seemed to find Cameron, Tom and Lauren there ahahahaha. Cameron and Tom were doing stupid things outside Kmart O_O but that's nothing unnatural. Got home and watched Chuck. THEN GOT READY FOR SAM'S XMAS PARTY.
It was effing awesomeee met awesome people, and KK was funny ahahahaha. Our YG got the best things man. WE GOT THE GUNSSS YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sang carols and stuff. Plus got burns from the wax of the candle =]


  1. If you meant cameron macphail that is scary cause I saw him in town O___O

  2. No, No different cameron =]
    One that went to my primary school, dear.
