Sunday, July 11, 2010


Sorry I haven't blogged much, though not many people read anyway?

Yeeah so the past two nights I've been at Youth Group camp, and I'll try to be as detail as possible. However I am extremely tired so I can't make promises.

So I woke up at about 8 on Friday morning, I didn't want to wake up but Riley pushed me to wake me up.
Yeah I got ready and then Huy drove us to church. We played some games, and made some lunch, and Tuan introduced the Assassins Creed and what you have to do is try to kill your target with your plastic spoon or your ping pong ball but if someone sees you, you're instantly killed. I had Phillip first, codename "Red" and my codename was "Delta."

We all drove to Victor Harbour and got to the house, however we weren't allowed in yet. So we went to the park close by to play some Poison Ball and Dodgeball. Theeeen we were allowed in the house! It was awesomeee, and so cosy ^__^
Firstly we had time to unpack and stuff and get everything organised.
Everything's a bit hazy... I think we had a short play that showed that the theme of the camp was "Identity."

Around now the Assassins game finished hahahaha! Person who won was Phuc.

Soon we had dinner which was Bangers and Mash with Gravy and Salad. Pretty epic. Then after dinner was another message and then we went to go play Cops and Robbers at the park we were before ^^

Honestly I love being a robber because you're being so stealth, it's awesome! Another epic thing, we had a light saber.
Yeah after about the third game this random dog came to us because we were so loud =P
It was an ownage dog, because it was trained. It was full excited and we played fetch even though it was like pitch black.
Soon people started making jokes like "Oh man, it loooks pretty good to eaaaat." LOL
Yeahh it started raining so we went back to the house and the dog followed. Apparently it was lying on the front porch looking up at us. Can't believe I missed it /cries

We started a new game of Assassin's Creed and I was "Pig."

Played some thirteens and Taboo then went to bed. I took an amazing shower and talked to Phuc and Ann about stuff. Then we got to sleep about 1. However the three of us on the bed was really rough so I slept on the ground.

I woke up at like 8AM and I was deeeead, then Truc came in and stabbed me with her spoon, I was so tired that I didn't care. I ate some Cocoa Puffs and we watched some MTV Movie Awards and then we had another talk. Then some free time but the leaders banned us from watching anymore things on the computer. Soon after we had some art time with the oil pastels and we had to draw who we think we are.

Then we had lunch which was Spag Bol, which was pretty gooood. Truc had to get some things from Coles so Kevin, An, Ian and I went with her. On the way back Kevin made Truc laugh so much, we could've crashed. When we came back just in time for the next talk and singing session. Singing sessions were great because it felt like the computer and lyrics in front of us was the bon fire and Tuan and Khoi was playing chords on their acoustic guitars.

After all of that, Khoi announced that we were inside for too long so they played some "Capture the Flag Tag" but I didn't want to play, so I took photos instead with Jon's camera. I love it.

By the time they finished it was about 4:30 ish so we had another talk, and then some more free time. We played some more Thirteens until about 5:30 and Jon then announced that we would stop playing when he wins, after three times he won.
Now we had time to have showers and organise food for the PARTYYY! The theme was "If you could be anyone, who would you be?"
I made some Fairy Bread which was pretty epic.
I got changed and I was Harriet Potter. I had a wand and a scar and glasses, EVEN A CLOAK!
Had some pretty epic costumes.
I'll even name all of them.

An: Michael Jackson; she wore a Michael Jackson shirt, hahahah.
Ian: Bruce Lee; he was topless with black pants all the way up to his belly button and he made some nun-chucks during the day.
Em Why: Wario; she wore a yellow shirt and full made this car with a picture of Wario at the front.
Tuan: Camper; he was covered in newspaper and had a quickscope, was sooo funny.
Jon: Grandma; Wore this purple dress thing, glasses, a wig and slippers.
Huy: Dumbledore/Hagrid/Jedi; He originally wore a robe and a beard but we put a wig on him and he was holding the light saber and he looked real funny.
Kevin: Kevin three weeks ago; He just wore what he wore three weeks ago.
Thuy: Artist; She had a beret and wore black pants and a white shirt.
Thi Thi: She forgot.
Van: Sue Sylvester; She wore a red jumper and red trackies and put tape and stuff to make it Adidas and it looked so real.
Phillip: Goblin; He made this full scary mask and claws and wore a robe over it.
Rung: Jedi; fair fail, he gave up as soon as he went in the room.
Chris: Wolverine; he full had a costume with muscles and everything.
Truc: Clown; Also bought a costume and put a pillow down her costume so she looked fat.
Gia Huy: He forgot LOL
Phuc: A geek; She wore a shirt and put her elastic waist pants over the top and put suspenders on and also glasses and a beanie with the ear flaps.
And I saved best for last
Khoi: Lady Gaga; He wore yellow leggings, this black bathing suit on top, a bra on top of that, a jacket, glasses and a white haired wig. WAS SO LEGENDARY and scarring.

Yeeah we full raved to music with glow sticks and everything!

After about an hour of raving we stopped and rested and Sam came! He had a wonderful message and a communion.

When that all finished we had some dessert and then everyone wanted to go for a walk to the beach. However Jon, Phuc, Thuy Anh, Em Why and I played Thirteens shots. Whoever loses has to have a shot of milk and if your 2 gets chopped it's two shots. Poor Phuc end up doing 10 shots all together.

When everyone came back we played some Pictionary/Taboo which combines to "Poo" Khoi says.
Had a pretty good game and the girls one Wooooooooooo!
Kevin was so funny. He's word was round and he drew a circle and the boys told him to draw more so he did like spaz hand movements and it was sooo funny!

By the time we finished it was 1AM so we all went to bed.
I end up sleeping at 1:30AM and on the bed /angel music.

Woke up at 8AM but I didn't hear any noises so I kept sleeping until about 8:30AM.
Had more Cocoa Puffs and left overs from last night's party.
Then we had to all pack up and leave the house by 10:30PM
We then drove to the main centre of Victor Habour and we all walked to Granite Islan for another talk.
After the last talk we walked back and bought food.
Most of us bought the Seafood Pack and they gave us very little sauce.
By then it was about 1PM and I went to go by hot donuts (L)___(L)
Drive home was rough because everyone was sooo tired.

Photos should be up soon, will probably be on giaLOVING.

I am currently at Khoi's house because everyone's going to watch the Finals, including my parents.


1 comment:

  1. wow kath, ur youth camp must have been really awesome. i wish our group will organize one too! hahaha.
    -the other alex
